Conference Day Two
Friday, July 12 2024

7:20 am Check In, Morning Coffee & Light Breakfast

8:20 am Chair’s Opening Remarks

De-Risking Routes to Market Through Robust Clinical Pipelines & Portfolio Management

8:30 am Pioneering a New Class of Microbial Immunotherapies for Women’s Health

9:00 am CMC Strategy for LBP’s

9:30 am Panel Discussion: Defining Innovative Clinical Strategies Conserving Spend

10:15 am Morning Networking Break & Tech Slam


An opportunity to network, discuss and collaborate with like-minded leaders alongside demonstrations of the latest novel technology advancements, showing expanded capabilities across sequencingmetabolomicsmulti-omics analysis and biomarker discovery. Leverage this session to remain up-to-speed with technology advancements applicable to your pipeline, and make comparisons for assessing your future partnerships.

Novel R&D & Translation to the Clinic

Preclinical Planning Ahead: Novel Stratification, Efficacy & Predictive Testing to Ensure Clinical Robustness

11:00 am Unveiling the Power of Microbial Signatures in Disease Diagnosis, Monitoring & Treatment

11:30 am Leveraging Metagenomic Data for Translational Research: From Mice, to Humans, to Cross-Population Analyses

12:00 pm Translational Strategies for Evaluating Microbiome Therapeutics in Early-Stage Clinical Trials

  • Christ Ford Vice President of Discovery & Translational Sciences, Seres Therapeutics

Manufacturing Microbiome-Altering Modalities

Scaling Up Manufacture Capacity Amidst Increasing Demand

11:00 am Interactive Working Group Roundtable Session – Meeting Rising Demand with Collective Approaches to Increase Manufacturing Capacity in Microbiome Drug Development

12:00 pm Accelerate Your LBP Towards GMP Level; The CDMO Approach

12:30 pm Networking Lunch

Clinical Development & Commercial Viability in Microbiome Drug Trials

3:15 pm Advancing Translational Relevance through Humanized Mouse Models

  • Katy Patras Assistant Professor, Baylor College of Medicine

3:45 pm Advances and Challenges of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation Starting from Japan

  • Hiroto Tamura Director of Business Management Division, Metagen Therapeutics

4:15 pm Chair’s Closing Remarks & Close of the 9th Microbiome Movement Drug Development Summit!