Workshop C – Market Engagement: Paving a Path to Commercially Successful Microbiome Drug Development

Time: 1:30 pm
day: Workshop Track 3


With commercial viability being more pivotal than ever to secure the longevity of microbiome drug development, learn from biopharma, payer and research leaders throughout a platform facilitating discussion across:

  • Evaluating Market Performance: Explore the current landscape of microbiome drugs in the market, assessing the performance of approved companies and what this means for today’s therapeutics in the pipeline
  • Identifying Investment Attractors: Delve into key factors that attract investment and widespread buy-in for live biotherapeutics, examining successful cases and strategizing for future investment opportunities
  • Building Early Networks for Industry Support: Discuss the importance of establishing early networks to garner industry support and enhance buy-in, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange for the growth of microbiome modality development

Join this deep-dive to craft strategies for promoting the commercial strengths of microbiome platforms. Explore market dynamics, investment attractors, and early network-building initiatives to ensure the success and widespread adoption.
